Sokoban (japanese 倉庫番, Sōko-ban, lit. 'warehouse keeper') is a puzzle game in which the player pushes boxes around in a labyrinthine warehouse, trying to get them to storage locations. The warehouse is depicted as a grid of squares, each one representing either a floor section or a wall section. Some floor squares contain boxes and some are marked as storage locations with the symbol ◇.
The player, represented as a worker character, can move one square at a time horizontally or vertically onto empty floor squares, but cannot pass through walls or boxes. To move a box, the player walks up to it and pushes it to the square beyond. Boxes cannot be pushed to squares with walls or other boxes, and they cannot be pulled. The number of boxes matches the number of storage locations. The puzzle is solved when all boxes occupy the storage locations.
To navigate use the control buttons or the keyboard: 'w' up, 's' down, 'a' left, 'd' right or cursor keys. Press 'u' to undo moves.
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