Commodore C-64 WebAssembly Emulator

Downloading C-64 Emulator program...

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Drop File

S64, D64, G64, X64, ZIP, PRG, P00, T64, TAP, CRT

Sample Snapshots (D64 images included)

This file type doesn't support auto Joystick port detection. Please choose 'Joystick Swap Ports' if needed.


Special thanks to:


  • The C64 Emulator is free for non-commercial use only and is a cross-compile of the original C++ C64 Emulator.

Play with the C64 Joystick which is emulated by the following:

  • Keyboard 1: Cursor Keys and Left Ctrl Key
  • Keyboard 2: W/S/A/D and Left Shift key
  • Touch Screen: 4 directions/corners and the middle position
  • Gamepad/Joystick: 1 or 2 Gamepads support + Paddles (axes 3/4)